Savannah Gleim
By training, I am an Agricultural Economist, with an M.Sc.(2014) from the University of Saskatchewan. I am currently a Research Officer in the Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics, where I spend my time working on data, surveys, and general research and editing. In addition to my research, I am pleased to communicate and get to be creative about agriculture, sciences, innovation, and food through the blog SAIFood.ca, which I manage for my wonderful boss, Dr. Smyth.
I am a number cruncher, problem solver, and whole picture thinker, that is probably why I jump at with glee for projects that involve transportation, logistics, and GIS! My other research interests are supply chains and business development. But it's not all numbers and data. I think creativity and visual representation is an important piece of how we learn. If you're looking for assistance with graphic designs, marketing, or making maps, I would be happy to help. Visual representations are just as important as the numbers or words on a page, and I love helping bring a creative side to data.
While I never thought my skill set would include web design, I have found it to be a fun creative outlet. I have experience building pages through WordPress and Wix platforms, which offer great services for different needs. If you would like to discuss setting up your own platform, I would be happy to consult you on the process, or set it up for you!
I always thought I was a numbers person, but over the course of my higher education and work in research, I have gained a passion for seeking out the story and how it relates to an audience. I find some of the greatest joys of my work come when I can answer the basic questions of how, what, where, when, but most importantly why.
If you are interested in learning more about me, my research, publications, maps or designs, please feel free to contact me or check out my LinkedIn page.